How To Catch And Tame Feral Kittens

Before you decide to adopt the kitten as your own check that it isn t microchipped.
How to catch and tame feral kittens. Taming a feral kitten is a slow but rewarding process. Cats have a solitary nature and if they are unaccustomed to human contact they can be very distrustful. Feral kittens should be checked out by a veterinarian and tested for diseases contagious to other cats before you bring them home. Keep them isolated from your pet cats wash your hands and wear a smock or change clothes between handling visits to protect against the spread of disease from the kittens to pets or from pets to kitten.
Step 2 scoop the kittens up and use them as bait to get the momma kitten into an enclosed space such as a garage or laundry room. Those adult stray cats that were once owned or feral cats of quiet temperament may sometimes be tamed with patience. Unlike feral cats semi feral cats are vocal and may make eye contact with you even if they don t allow you to touch them. Feral cats are homeless cats many of whom were born in the wild.
Things to know before you tame a feral cat. They are for all intents and purposes wild animals. In addition to being a challenge taming a feral cat can take a lot of time. Social cats are not to be confused with socialized cats who are fully domesticated and accustomed to being around and being touched by humans.
Determine your ability to tame a feral cat. Click here to watch the whole series day 6 is the best. Ignoring an animal that you are trying to socialize may seem like silly advice but according to becky robinson president and founder of alley cat allies snubbing a semi feral kitty will pique its curiosity and force it to make the first move. If you have wild kittens running around and a live trap it s not very hard to catch one to tame.
Unfortunately it is very difficult to tame semi feral and feral cats after. Taming a feral cat can be a long process and requires a lot of patience. Some of them might have been born as a house cat but they escaped into the wild for one reason or another abuse abandonment etc. If you ve recently adopted a cat from a shelter or if you have found a feral kitten or adult cat that you want to make part of the family you may have to tame them.
If the cat is not used to people you should be. Let the cat make the first move. Cats are animals that seek pleasure and attention she says. A momma cat nursing kittens will appreciate the food and while you shouldn t expect to tame her in a few days you can definitely get her used to your presence.
Taming a feral cat is difficult and comes with no guarantee that the taming will be successful. Introduce your new kitten to your home and pets slowly to give it a chance to adjust to its new environment.