How Much Should A 4 Week Old Kitten Eat Per Day

Newborn kittens nurse frequently approximately every two hours during the first week of life and then gradually decreasing to four to six times per day.
How much should a 4 week old kitten eat per day. Most commercial kitten milk replacers in the us provide less than 1 kcal ml 0 74 kcal ml acting to increase the volume of milk required to meet caloric needs. A kitten should weigh about 14 to 16 oz. Your kitten should eat three times per day. Feeding kittens 3 4 weeks old at 3 4 weeks your new kitten would start to grow a little heavier to about 350 450 grams.
The energy requirement is 20 26 kcal 100g body weight daily and the maximum comfortable stomach capacity is 4 ml 100 g body weight 1. Kittens should gain approximately a half to three fourths of an ounce 15 20 grams each day. Feeding newborn kittens to 4 weeks old. At the beginning start feeding the amount mentioned on the food label.
The extra body weight and larger stomach size mean that your kittens should also get bigger meals around 45 ml three tablespoons per bottle feed. Your new kitten should eat three times daily. Feedings could be less frequent to about every 4 5 hours with about 14 18 ml of kitten formula. By the time it is 4 to 5 weeks of age if it is eating enough food.
Concentration 0 74 kcal ml. By five weeks old your kittens should weigh around 400 450 g 14 to 16 oz. The label is a good starting point when determining how much wet food to feed a kitten per day but your individual cat will tell you if it s too much or too little. Morning afternoon and evening.
Read the package to determine what it recommends per pound per day then divide that portion up into three equal meals. Daily weight checks are the best way to ensure they are getting all the food they need. You must feed half wet food and half dry food in the starting therefore divide their ration accordingly. How much to feed a kitten 9 weeks or 10 weeks is about four times daily since their belly is still too small to contain all those required amount of foods when less often.
Morning afternoon and evening is a good choice. By the end of week 5 a kitten should only be nursing three times a day but at each meal it should be consuming about 3 tablespoons of milk or formula. How much to feed a kitten 4 weeks old 8 weeks old or 3 months will be mentioned based on the age and weight. The kittens can eat kitten foods and they will start to develop preference of foods and it will last for the rest of their life.