Hamster Plural English

A very small furry animal with a short tail kept as a pet.
Hamster plural english. Suggest as a translation of hamster. Synonyms and related words. Animals found on more than one continent. Hamster noun plural.
The plural form of hamster is hamsters. Remember that in german both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative accusative genitive or dative case. Although it s quite common hear people using hamsters as a plural the correct way to say it in spanish is hámsteres. ˈhamstɐ masculine noun word forms.
Pequeño roedor hamster n noun. Hámster m plural hámsteres or hámsters uncommon alternative form of hamster. Many translated example sentences containing hamster english german dictionary and search engine for english translations. Especially the golden hamster mesocricetus auratus and the dwarf hamster s of genus phodopus often kept as a pets and used in scientific research.
Hámster nm nombre masculino. Hamsters genitive hamster plural. Refers to person place thing quality etc. Mi hija tiene un hámster como mascota.
My daughter has a hamster as a pet. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino que lleva los artículos el o un en singular y los o unos en plural. Declension hamster is a masculine noun. Hamster plural hamsters any of various old world rodent species belonging to the subfamily cricetinae.
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